The Real Platinum Plan: Recession-Proofing Your Career

The Real Platinum Plan: Recession-Proofing Your Career

2020 arrived with a vengeance and has taken no prisoners along the way. In every industry, from the stock market to retail to higher education, we’ve seen major declines in profits and unimaginable cuts in human capital. To say the least, the coronavirus has turned life as we know it upside down and caused every occupational field to reevaluate and redefine the terms ‘necessity’ and ‘value’. So how do we protect ourselves? How do we assure ourselves of our employers seeing our value or recession-proofing our businesses when unexpected changes occur?

In 2019 (before the chaos ensued), Forbes released an article with tips on how to recession-proof your career. Here are a few general concepts to consider:

  • See your career through a new lens: Make sure you learn the ins and outs of your company, business, and industry. The key is to make yourself indispensable while always aligning with the needs of your employer. If you are an entrepreneur, then this means making sure that you’re continuing to fulfill the needs of your audience/customers and fill gaps in those needs to corner the market.

  • Leverage the power of networks: It is important to never stop connecting with others and building a solid network. You want to always be able to reach out to others when in need or in reference to an upcoming (confidential) job search. This should always be a two-way street and provide both you and your connections with support.

  • Invest in yourself: Staying competitive is essential. This is the perfect time to learn a new skill or earn a certification that can distinguish you in your field. Being a lifelong learner is a great safeguard in maintaining relevance.

While nothing can save us from the perils of a pandemic or a natural disaster or a dip in the economy, our practices prior to a crisis play a critical role in managing the stress of unexpected changes. There’s two months left in this wild and crazy year. Time to gear up and get your career affairs in order, ladies!

Ebonies, share how you’ve managed this uncertain time in your industry with us. Offer your insight with our #EITI community below in the comments!

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