When Success Tastes Stressful...

When Success Tastes Stressful...

As is a frequent practice of mine, I was recently listening to one of Bishop T.D. Jakes podcasts, and the particular message for that day was entitled “Your Opposition is Your Opportunity”. During the message he posed the question, “What do you do when success tastes stressful?” and subsequently submitted to those in the pursuit of success that,”Your success will taste stressful because your opportunities come wrapped in opposition”. His words immediately struck a chord with me, as they were in such juxtaposition to the familiar and often repeated phrase “the sweet taste of success”. Those who are highly motivated, however, quickly grasp that success is a journey rather than a destination and that the journey toward the success they so desire is unequivocally paved with roadblocks and deterrents and can produce moments of high stress and anxiety.  As we exit National Suicide Prevention Month in September and enter the time of the year when even colleges and universities have instituted a fall holiday in the hope of counteracting the frenzy and stress associated with the start of a new academic year, it is beneficial to take pause to recognize that stress is virtually inevitable and sometimes necessary. Whether your pursuit of success is academically oriented, career-oriented, or a combination of the two, Inc.com provides us all with 7 Daily Rituals Successful People Use to De-Stress and Stay Productive:

1. Set up your boundaries. In today's frantic world it's easy to feel pressure to be available 24 hours a day, but no reasonable person can maintain that as a way to live. The answer is to develop a work-life boundary ritual. Your boundary can take a lot of forms: It might mean never checking your phone after 8pm, not emailing after hours, not interrupting time you've set aside for family or friends.

2. Claim your calm:  If you're always running from one venture to another, one project to another, one call to another, one meeting to another, the word hectic is an understatement. The shallow, tense breathing we do when we're rushing doesn't make things any better. If you can claim even a few seconds--in the car, at your desk, between phone calls--for a simple attentive round deep inhaling and exhaling, it will help shut down the stress-induced or "fight or flight" response and guide you toward calm and relaxation.

3. Engage in mindful meditation. With a bit more of a time investment, you can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of regular meditation. Those who meditate report that they experience more happiness, less anxiety, and greater feelings of connection and purpose. Some studies are even finding a connection to our ability to fight illness.

4. Do less, be more. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that you're wasting time if you aren't actively doing something--or even multiple things. But as the adage says, first and foremost we are human beings, not human doings. Multitasking and overwork lead to anxiety, depression, and other difficulties. Guiding yourself toward a slower pace and some regular down time will leave you calmer, more relaxed, and happier.

5.  Get up and move around. We weren't built to spend entire days hunkered over a desk staring at a screen. Movement is something you need every day. It's also one of the best ways to dissipate the energy of stress in your body. When you walk briskly or do other forms of exercise, your body releases neurotransmitters that lead to improved mood and a greater sense of well-being. Some research suggests that it may even improve blood circulation to the brain. Regular exercise--even a 15-minute walk while you're thinking through a problem--brings a host of benefits.

6. Sleep is a must. With so much to accomplish in a day, sleep seems like a logical place to cut back and give yourself more time. But a sleep deficit causes all kinds of negative effects in our bodies, from increased risk of a stroke or heart attack to weight gain. On the other hand, good sleep provides you with better emotional regulation, stronger immunity and more energy. Shut off the screens and create a restful place for yourself to recharge.

7. Take control of your life. The essence of personal success is knowing what you need to accomplish your goals and making sure you get it. Unwind, destress, and switch off when you need to so you can come back refreshed and newly motivated. Remember, every day you have a choice. Make use of these seven simple rituals so you can reactivate your energy and motivation to do all the things you want to accomplish.

As I reviewed these strategies and looked back on my own high stress experiences, I realized that there have definitely been instances where the utilization of these rituals would have greatly decreased anxiety and made whatever obstacle I was facing more manageable. What rituals, if any do you already implement when success creeps up and threatens productivity? Which could you benefit from implementing on a daily basis? As you know we love to hear from our Ebonies so please leave your comments below!

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